How to Make Jambang Or Leather is easy to grow and fast

How to Make Jambang Or Leather is easy to grow and fast

How to Make Jambang Or Leather is easy to grow and fast

Many assumes that a man with a beam will look more macho or cool for women. But not all men are easy to lengthen jambangnya, especially Indonesian men unlike men from Arab origin who mostly have a long jambang and bushy. Actually, whether or not the growth of this jambang depends on one's hormonal and genetic problems. So there are people grow fast jambangnya, there is also a very difficult to grow it.

For men who are difficult to grow jambang, often using ointments or chemicals that are applied in the area where the jambang grows. But chemicals have side effects that can affect the skin and body, especially when used for long periods of time and when having sensitive skin. So to be more secure, it is better to use natural ways to grow a jambang.

Here's how to grow a nest naturally:

1. Candlenut Oil

Hazelnut Oil has long been known as one of the natural ingredients to nourish hair. For kemiri oil contains palmitic acid and strearat acid which is a type of saturated fatty acid compounds that can stimulate androgen hormones. This hormone is necessary for hair growth. Candlenut oil is also powerful to grow bald hair and one way to thicken the eyebrow with pecan. So if you want to grow a jambang, you can use pecan oil.

How to make hazelnut oil for bald hair can also be applied to how to grow a jambang. Here's how to make candlenut oil and how to use it to grow a jambang:

  • Take some pecan seeds and then burned or roasted (fried without oil) until the candlenut looks charred.
  • Then mash the hazelnut until smooth.
  • After the fine pecan squeeze the candlenut with the finger to exit the oil.
  • Oil that comes out of the candlenut is what you can use to grow a beard.
  • The trick by applying the hazelnut oil on the skin that wants to overgrown jambang.
  • Then let stand for 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse with water until clean.
  • Do this treatment 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • If you do not have time to make candlenut oil itself, currently many hazelnut oil has been sold in the market. So you can buy it at the store and directly apply it to the area of ​​skin that want to overgrown jambang.

When done routinely then the jambang can be seen to grow bushy. Candlenut oil not only can accelerate the growth of hair, but can also be used as a way to soften rough hair naturally.

2. Butter

All this time we know butter as a food that is usually used as a spread of bread or as an ingredient to make a cake. But who would have thought butter can also be used for beauty treatments, such as the benefits of butter for eyebrows and face and as one way of smoothing the palm of the hand. Butter can also be used to grow a variety of hairs in the body, including to grow a jambang.

  • How to use butter to grow a jambang easy that is:
  • Take butter to taste, then apply on facial skin areas that want to overgrown jambang.
  • Let stand for 1-2 hours for butter to seep into the skin.
  • After that rinse with water until clean.
  • Perform this treatment every time after bathing or before bed.
  • In order to get maximum results use this butter for two weeks on a regular basis.

3. Shrimp eggs

Another natural ingredient that can be used to grow a jambang is to use shrimp eggs. Should wear shrimp eggs are still attached to the shrimp.

  • How to use shrimp eggs to grow a jambang is:
  • Take shrimp eggs that stick to raw shrimp.
  • Use a cloth or cotton to take water from the shrimp egg.
  • Then apply water from the shrimp eggs to the faces that want to overgrown jambang.
  • Let stand for 4 hours until seeped.
  • After that rinse with water until clean
  • Do it this way 1x a day and at least 4 hours before bedtime.
  • This method is quite effective to grow the jambang when done regularly. But the use of shrimp eggs leaves a fishy smell. Therefore after the use of shrimp eggs you can also rinse with soap also to eliminate the fishy smell on the face. And you should do this during holidays.

4. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is known as a rich plant benefits, such as aloe vera benefits for beauty, aloe vera benefits for skin, and aloe vera benefits for dry facial skin and breakouts. In addition, aloe vera is also nutritious to grow and thicken hair. So no wonder that many hair care products that use aloe vera ingredients in it. So to grow a jambang, you can also try using this aloe vera.

  • How to use Aloe vera is:
  • Take aloe enough to split the middle with a knife.
  • Will be seen inside mucus.
  • Use the aloe vera slime section to grease to the faces that want to overgrown jambang.
  • Mute the mucus for 1-2 hours until it dries.
  • Then rinse with water until clean.
  • To get maximum results, do a daily routine for 2 weeks.

5. Oil urang aring

As with aloe vera, urang aring is also widely used as a maker of hair care products. Like the benefits aring aring for hair loss, gray hair and dry and aring benefits for eyebrow care. So there's nothing wrong you use it to grow a jambang. You also do not have to bother making aring oil aring from leaf uring aring, because at this time urang aring oil is widely sold in the market.

  • How to use oil urang aring for how to grow a jambang that is:
  • Apply urang aring oil on the face that want to overgrown jambang evenly.
  • Let stand 30 minutes to absorb.
  • Then rinse thoroughly.
  • Use aring oil regularly to see the results within 2 weeks.

6. Amla oil

Amla is a kind of gooseberry plant. While the amla oil is made by putting the pieces of dried amla into boiling coconut oil. Amla oil is commonly used as a hair fertility tonic, so you can also apply it to grow a jambang.

How to use amla oil to grow jambang namely:

Simply by applying amla oil after shaving.
Perform gentle massage to permeate
Let stand for 15-20 minutes.
Then rinse with cold water.

7. Tarantula oil

Hear the name of the tarantula you may already be afraid. But the actual use of tarantula oil is actually the most rapid way to grow jambang compared to other oils. You can get this tarantula oil in certain drug stores.

How to use it:

Simply by applying tarantula oil to the facial area that want to overgrown jambang.
Then let stand for 30 minutes.
After that rinse with water until clean.
Do it once a day before bed.
If done routinely then within 5 days you will see growth jambang.

8. Shave jambang

As with hair, if more often cut the hair will look more dense. Basically the men actually also have a beard. But there are thin or in the form of fine hairs, but there is also seen growing bushy. So if you want jambang grow more dense, try to often shave jambang, so it can stimulate growth jambang faster.

9. Exercise

Of course you are wondering what the relationship between the sport with a beard. Apparently this is related to the hormone testosterone. Basically jambang can grow quickly in men who have high testosterone hormone. To increase the hormone testoteron this way with a lot of exercise like exercise. By getting sweaty while exercising, the hormone testosterone will also increase, and the growth of jambang was also faster.

Besides the benefits of sports for beauty skin, hair and acne. Even with regular exercise, as one way to care for the skin so as not dull and dry. So exercise regularly is not only for health in the body, but you get many other benefits outside the body.

10. Avoid stress

Can not be denied again if stress can affect one's health. Because stress is related to the mind in the brain and causes the blood vessels to also narrow. So many diseases caused by this stress. The relationship with jambang is due to the narrowing of this blood vessel will cause the nutrients that flow into the hair follicle becomes less, so the stress can inhibit the growth of the jambang as well. So try to avoid stress and always think positive in the face of all problems.

11. Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals will help in the body of nutritional intake, including providing intake in the hair follicle part like a beard. Then enter the menu of vegetables and fruits in each of your daily menu, so that the jambang grow faster and you also get the benefits of a healthy body.

In addition to consumed, vegetables and fruits are also beneficial to the body's beauty as well, such as cucumber benefits for facial acne, oily and black spots, tomato benefits for a smooth face, and the benefits of bananas for body and facial skin.

12. Consumption of foods containing protein

To increase the growth of the jambang consume foods rich in protein. Because hair is a protein filament, so the more protein in the body it will stimulate the growth of the jambang. So do not forget to consume foods that contain protein, such as fish, meat, eggs, tempeh, tofu, beans and soy milk. There are even benefits of soy milk for facial and body skin, so keep moisture awake one of the tips to make the skin white naturally.

13. Facial massage

Massage on the face is useful to smooth blood circulation in the face. This of course can also stimulate the growth of jambang in the face. Facial massage can also be used as a way to prevent wrinkles on the face and how to make a tapered face naturally.

So do a gentle massage on the face, especially on the face that want to overgrown jambang. Massage premises twisting for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day. You can also do this facial massage when applying oil to grow hair as described above, such as hazelnut oil, amla oil and so forth.

That's the natural way for your jambang to grow bushy. So in addition to trying one of these ingredients, you also must maintain health with a healthy lifestyle and eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals and high protein.